Questions & Answers

how to switching firewire or network connection uc surface

0 votes
asked Mar 15, 2017 in Ai Mixers by sandunranasingha (120 points)
how to switching firewire or network connection uc surface

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
There is no selector or on/off button, so you can't switch from FireWire to network. The only advice is to disconnect your computer from the network and simply run UC Surface through FireWire.
0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2017 by mikejaarsbergen (140 points)
You can do this in capture 2 there is a button to switch the firewire on and of for all the 32 channels at the same time
0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
Yes, correct, that's the "virtual soundcheck mode". But that has nothing to do with network and UC Control. The question is not really clear, it can also refer to the two riders of the same mixer...