Questions & Answers

reduce cpu load and latency by background rendering (aka auto freeze)

+16 votes
asked Apr 22, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by dennisrenirie (480 points)
edited Apr 24, 2017 by dennisrenirie

Because Studio One is pretty CPU heavy and if you put a couple of plugins on a track  you run into performance issues, where Ableton and Logic dont with the same plugins.
You can solve this by using a background process that renders each track (think of it as an auto freeze function) to an audio file behind the scenes. Like the auto-render function in Final Cut Pro X.

Of course if you change something to a track in the timeline, it needs to render again. 
By using a background process you can go ahead with editing so it doesnt interrupt your workflow. 
If the rendering isnt done yet when the user hits play, S1 can use the 'live' (cpu intensive) version - as we do now-.
If you walk away from the computer (to get a drink or take a break) it renders all the tracks in your song for you automatically.
You can also lower the latency that way

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 22, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Apr 24, 2017 by yardenpeleg (1,390 points)

sounds like an interesting concept. video editors are doing this for years now. could be cool to have such a feature.

0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2017 by diapasonprodues (2,560 points)
AWESOME idea. I LOVE it.

I'm just worried it might have lots of potential to lots of bugs with plugins that use live input dependent on other tracks, such as sidechaining or plugins that internally side chain with other instances of itself (Soundradix Pi, Autoalign, iZotope Neutron, etc)