Questions & Answers

Why I can't hear input in my 1818VSL even though I get signal

+1 vote
asked May 10, 2017 in AudioBox USB by hadarmalka (240 points)
I can hear Output in Logic Pro X can use.. But when I try to rec my guitar I can't hear nothing.

I see that I get a signal in Logic but don't hear nothing.

When I check the settings on Logic in "input" they don't show me nothing...

* I use OS X El Capitan 10.11.6


3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 10, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Make sure you have the latest Universal Control for the 1818 OS X installed:

Open Logic, and go to Audio I/O Assignments. 

Set the Output to "Output 7-8".  Outs 7&8 on the AudioBox 1818 VSL will allow you to monitor from the headphone jack. 

To also be able to hear audio from outs 1&2 at the same time, please a check mark beside "Mirroring".


0 votes
answered May 10, 2017 by hadarmalka (240 points)
I have the latest Universal Control and I know about 7&8 to the outpot. I can hear output but not input.

I get a signal but don't get the rec.

I can see the signal moving when I playing but can't hear and don't get nothing when I recording.

at the pic that you show I have all. but if I go to INPUT that not show me nothing.
0 votes
answered May 10, 2017 by hadarmalka (240 points)

I tried to record again. It does record and I can also hear what I recorded after.

But why at the time of the recording I hear only the click ???

And after 5 min the logic lost the Inpout I need to shut the logic down and open again .