Questions & Answers

While moving volume fader the panning randomly reacts to it

0 votes
asked May 12, 2017 in FaderPort 8 by rubenphilip (150 points)

I'm using faderport 8. and from the beginnen fader faders respond strange to my actions.

When i'm in Track mode and I want to turn up or down the volume of channel 1 (for instance) the panning randomly goes along with it.

It reacts good to the volume thing, but it also does randomly panning...

Please help.. I can't work with this problem if channels randomly pan to left of right

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 19, 2017 by maxstratmann (42,710 points)
Best answer
Hello rubenphilip,

We would need more information regarding your FaderPort 8 in order to better assist you.

Please submit a support request at for further assistance.