Questions & Answers

Inaccurate Fader Position

0 votes
asked Oct 8, 2017 in FaderPort 8 by jw12 (590 points)
edited Jan 17, 2018 by maxstratmann

Is there a way to calibrate the faders on the FaderPort 8?



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2018 by maxstratmann (42,690 points)
Best answer

Yes, there is a fader calibration option in the menu of the FaderPort 8. 

Power on the FaderPort 8 holding down the first two "Select" buttons and go to the "Setup" menu. You can then select "Tune Faders" and select any fader speed. Once you've selected a fader speed the FaderPort 8 will enter calibration mode. 

Do not touch the faders during the calibration and wait until they are done moving completely before exiting the menus on the FaderPort 8. 
