Questions & Answers

Faderport 8 - 4 faders not responding

0 votes
asked Jan 4, 2017 in FaderPort 8 by carlrowe (930 points)
The rightmost 4 faders are not responding on my Faderport 8. They have more physical resistance than the left 4 when powered on, and are free when powered off. When I push all 8 faders up, then turn on the device, the four on the left reset to -inf smoothly, and the 5th does nothing, the 6th resets all the way (not smoothly), the 7th moves a little bit, and the 8th moves more than the 7th, but still not all the way. Doing the "fader touch" test, the 4 do not respond. In Mardi Gras mode, the 4 do not move. I've re-installed the firmware several times. I did the "Factory Default", and then re-installed the firmware, still nothing.

This happened after about 30 minutes of use (or less). I got it running in Pro Tools, then quit and went into the Faderport "change mode" to mess around with the settings, and when I booted Pro Tools back up, the 4 were not responding. Everything else is working just fine, with only a few hiccups here and there.

Win 10 64-bit, Intel i5-6300, Pro Tools 12.6, FP firmware v.1.01, UC v1.8.3

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2017 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
Please create a support ticket at .

Click the "Support" tab and then "Create a support ticket".

They'll be able to assist you further with this issue.