Hiya, just something I'm struggling with at the moment. I have a Faderport 8 and use Logic Pro X, with the FP8 in MCU mode.
The Faderport 8 is awesome, but I'd love to be able to (temporarily) map virtual instrument params to some of the faders - so that I generally use the faders to control the track levels, etc., but when I'm in the virtual instrument I'd like to change the mapping to assign Faders 1-4 to the ADSR filter envelope levels on my virtual instrument.
I know Logic Pro X can learn to use faders for that, as I did manage to map Fader 1 to Filter Cutoff, but then I struggled to get the mapping back to track volume afterwards (as I messed with the default MCU assignments). Think I had to use Rebuild Defaults to go back.
Is there a smart way people have found to toggle between default MCU assignments, and temporary custom ones, to record ADSR automation etc?
Hope this isn't a silly question! Thanks in advance for the help.