Questions & Answers

Lock rightmost fader to Master

+34 votes
asked May 22, 2017 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by robhermans (350 points)

I have the Faderport 8 and love it.  My feature request if with regards to the Master If you more than 8 tracks you have to bank right to get to it. It would be nice if you could "lock" the master to the rightmost fader and then move through the other faders using the bank controls. This would be similar to the interface on S1-3. Thanks! Love yer stuff!

9 Answers

+7 votes
answered May 3, 2019 by flemmingpoulsen (640 points)
selected Sep 19, 2021 by robhermans
Best answer
I have the Faderport 16 and could really use the requested feature of locking the rightmost fader and then move through other faders using the bank controls!!!! Turning the blue knob as master volume is just not the same.
+14 votes
answered May 22, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

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The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

–2 votes
answered Jan 10, 2018 by niclasgustafsson1 (2,390 points)
The big blue knob is also the master fader if you press the master button. :)

I know having a fader would be cool, but its not like they forgot about the master. It is there, just not as a fader.
+6 votes
answered Jun 28, 2020 by brucelindner (3,450 points)

I have Faderport 16. Like many others who have requested this... PLEASE give an option for the user to lock the MASTER to the RIGHTMOST FADER, while allowing navigation of the other faders using the bank controls.  Almost every pro mixer has a DEDICATED master fader... the blue knob doesn't cut it for me.   Thanks. B 

+1 vote
answered Jul 14, 2021 by scottmiller35 (330 points)
One thing to realize about the big blue knob is that it only controls the volume. Locking a channel as the Master would allow us quick access to select the whole channel, so we could also instantly access plugins. As it is currently, the quickest way to get to the Master on the FaderPort is to switch to Bank select, jump all the way to the right, select the rightmost track (important!!!), then switch to All/User so that the Master shows up, then select it. It's far more efficient just to click on the Master bus with the mouse and deal with it that way.

Ideally, this update would be a simple firmware change, though I'm not sure how it would be implemented. Perhaps in Master mode, Shift + Press Big Blue Knob.
+4 votes
answered Sep 19, 2021 by richardblewett (970 points)
Couldn't agree more.  Having replaced an MCU Pro and expander with the Faderport 16 I really miss the dedicated master control fader.  I do use the blue knob master volume function but it's a pain having to switch it to and from the other functions for which it is designed.  I'd much rather keep the knob set to scroll and have the far right fader locked to the master controls.
+1 vote
answered Dec 22, 2021 by dehinsolo (280 points)

thanks for good replies

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0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2022 by helloworld4 (280 points)
Better than this, i say let us have the possiblility to assign this last fader to the listen bus, which i use as master output because it is the only one not affected by the undo/redo of the console.

I do not want to hear the master changes when i go back in history so i can appreciate the difference without the influence of the master volume. Everything louder always seems better. Let us defeat this illusion and let us exclude the undo from the master level.
+2 votes
answered Dec 26, 2022 by brucelindner (3,450 points)
Please, please, please Presonus... provide an option / capability to lock the rightmost fader to the Main/Master!! Turning the clicky blue knob is not the same!! I HATE have to "find" the main/master fader!! Make Faderport work like every other pro board... give the option to set a dedicated main/master fader!  Its' been over 5 years since this has been requested. Every year I check back, make sure I've upvoted, etc., but no response  PLEASE DO THIS!!