Questions & Answers

Does Quantum support Display Port or HDMI Display connections?

+1 vote
asked May 24, 2017 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
If I want to connect my Apple Thunderbolt display to the second port of Quantum to a Display Port enabled monitor or to my 4K HD TV, will it work?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 24, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

You can connect Display Port Monitors using a Mini-Display Port to Display Port adapter cable, or if your monitor supports Mini-Display Port, then a Mini Display Port to Mini-Display Port cable.

Keep in mind that connecting a Thunderbolt 2 cable from Quantum to a Display Port monitor (that does not itself support Thunderbolt) will not work, you MUST use a Display Port cable when going from Quantum to your Display Port monitor in order to get video. This is because Thunderbolt carries a Display Port signal, however both devices at either end of the chain must support Thunderbolt. In the case of Display Port monitor such as the Dell 3008WFP which DOES NOT support Thunderbolt, only a Display Port cable can be used connecting from Quantum to the Monitor. (sounds confusing).

Apple Computer ---> Thunderbolt Cable ---> Quantum ---> Mini DisplayPort Cable ---> non-Apple Display Port Monitor

The same goes for HDMI TV's, Display Port carries HDMI signals, therefore you can connect an HDMI TV to Quantum just the same as you can connect a Display Port Monitor, however you will need to use a Mini Display Port to HDMI Adapter such as this one from Griffin.

Apple Computer ---> Thunderbolt Cable ---> Quantum ---> Mini Display Port to HDMI Adapter ---> HDMI Cable ---> HDMI TV Input.

Note: We found that some 4KHD TV's did not work well with first and second generation Mac computers that had Thunderbolt 1 / 2. Newer Mac's did not have an issue.

We found that HDMI 2.0 or higher works better with this configuration than older HDMI 1.x which only supports 30Hz on 4KHDTV displays, check your TV settings to see if you can toggle HDMI 2.x support to get 60Hz frequency.