Questions & Answers

Why Studio 3.5 update doesn't allow me to reconnect my midi devices?

+5 votes
asked May 30, 2017 in Studio One 3 by leonmitchell (240 points)
Since updating to Studio 3.5, I can't get my Faderport and my M-Audio Keystation midi controller to connect and work in Studio one. Everything was working before the update. I try to reconnect through the external device setup but it won't reconnect. The names show up in the box but it says not connected. I also rebooted my computer and still have the same issues. Can you help me out with this? If no one can, then i'm going have uninstall this update and return to the previous one.

Thank you

HP Envy Intel I7-4771, 3.5ghz

 Windows 7 64bit

Studio One 3 Porfessional

Focurite Scarlett 18i20 Interface

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

The Presonus Development Team is aware of this issue with MIDI in 3.5, this issue is also logged. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a time frame for when this will be resolved. Please keep an eye out for bug fixes in Studio One update release notes.

There are a couple work-arounds.

1. Recreate or reconfigure the MIDI devices in Options > External Devices.

2. You can roll back to Studio One 3.3.4 if you like. As long as none of the songs where ever opened and saved in 3.5, they can be opened in a previous version. You can find previous versions on Here is a screenshot:

3. Submit a support ticket for more assistance.

Thank you for your patience,
0 votes
answered Aug 11, 2017 by sebastiansiegel (140 points)
Hallo New Workaround.....

You creat for Extern Equitment with midi in and Outs    

2 seperate Midi Instruments for ONE Instrument with Midi In Sounds

Input Instrument

and a separat Output Instruments

All Ready Working.....    all external Controlers and External Synts with sound