Questions & Answers

Mai Tai drops out after reloading song. Requires a reload of instrument track before responding again.

+1 vote
asked Jun 8, 2017 in Studio One 3 by shawntkach (230 points)
Pretty straightforward issue. I record Mai Tai to my song just fine. Then when I reload the song in Studio One 3, Mai Tai will not respond to the recorded Midi data. All other VSTs are fine.

I can get Mai Tai to trigger again if I reload a new Instrument track, but I will have the same problem next time I open up the song.

Anyone else having a similar issue?


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 8, 2017 by xyenzfyxion (3,020 points)
I'm not sure if my issue is exactly the same. I sometimes had the audio drop out. I could see the MIDI data being received. But, there was no sound. I heard 'clipping noises' at times while pressing keys and switching Mai Tai presets. But, I couldn't get any music to play (during playback) or hear notes when pressing the keys. I don't know how to reproduce or solve this. I got around it by quitting S1 and reopening the software + project.
0 votes
answered Apr 28, 2020 by tohnjitor (1,010 points)
Had the same problem. After I created a new instance of Mai Tai I was able to move the MIDi events to the new track. Works fine now. Latest version of S1 4.6.