Questions & Answers

Studio One for AudioBox 44VSL Download?

+1 vote
asked Oct 16, 2015 in Studio One 2 by lm3 (160 points)
I bought the AudioBox 44VSL with Studio One. My computer does not have a CD drive (It is 2015 after all). It never occurred to me that it would be shipped as a compact disc. Where can I download Studio One? Thank you!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2015 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
selected Oct 17, 2015 by lm3
Best answer
If you have misplaced your discs, have bad installations discs or there is no DVD drive on your computer. You can simply download the software directly from your PreSonus user account.

→ Log in to your account here:

→ On the top edge of the screen select "My Products"

→ Click where it says "Software"

→ Locate the version of the software you wish to install and click on "View More Details" to see the details for that registered version.

 - You will initially see a download button for the software. Click this and save the file to your computer. Make sure to read the version OS and bit rate listed on the bottom of the download button.
 - If you do not see the installer for the operating system you are installing StudioOne on, click on "View Other Systems". You will find the installers for all operating systems located there; Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit and Mac OSX installers.

→ Once the software is installed, your software should be up to date with the latest build of StudioOne, this can be verified by checking the Start menu, center of the page at the bottom, just below the logo for StudioOne will be the numbered version listed. The Product Key listed should match that for the one listed in your account.

Here is a knowledge base article complete with pictures of this process:
+1 vote
answered Oct 16, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
We no longer include Studio One discs in the box. To get Studio One, all you need to do is register your AudioBox 44VSL to your account.

Login to, click on "Register A Product", then select "Hardware", then enter the date your purchased it and type in the serial number found on the bottom of the unit, (also found on the box) and click "Register". Studio One Artist will appear in your account automatically.

There should be an instruction card in the box that has this information, it is located inside the bag of information that comes with the product.