Questions & Answers

studio one 2 crashes when i agree to the license agreement

0 votes
asked Oct 16, 2015 in Studio One 2 by alejandroibarra (200 points)
edited Oct 16, 2015 by alejandroibarra
I was able to fix that problem by installing the Vsl and Universal control, but when i installed the studio one 2 and try to open it it crashes?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Oct 16, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
This would only be occurring if you were running an older pre-release version of El Capitan OS X. The beta versions of OS X 10.11 were very buggy. Even the public beta which was not the final release version had this problem. It sounds like you are running this older pre-release. Please update your OS to the latest shipping version of Mac OS X 10.11 and this problem will resolve itself.

If you continue to see issues, please log a support ticket at so we can help you further.