Questions & Answers

Zoom to cursor

+66 votes
asked Jun 14, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by selkate (450 points)
In some other softwares, when I zoom in or zoom out, it zooms to cursor. However when I do it in Studio One, it doesn't have the same behaviour. I think It is the easiest and fastest behaviour while working on timeline. It would be very useful if you add such an option to this great software. Greetings.

7 Answers

+5 votes
answered Jun 15, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

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+7 votes
answered Jan 30, 2019 by federicosilva (4,610 points)
Yes please, that's the most intuitive way to zoom so you keep context of what you're doing. The current behavior doesn't make much sense to me.
+8 votes
answered May 30, 2019 by larryupton (360 points)

This is VERY important to me, and is one of the main reasons I am still using other software, and only dabbling in Studio One, even though I got a license when my organization purchased a StudioLive mixer...
+7 votes
answered Feb 2, 2020 by lutzvogelsang (1,680 points)
Yes, this is badly missing. Coming from Sonar like many other users, I am used to performing "zoom in / zoom out" keyboard shortcut sequences in order to see in the center of the screen what I just heard at the current cursor position. This does not work in SO. I would love to see this behaviour.
+6 votes
answered May 12, 2020 by presono (1,150 points)
Yes, please! Include this on the next update!

That's super important for editting! The zoom on the cursor and in the middle of the screen when zooming in.
+1 vote
answered Feb 20, 2021 by tothrec (32,330 points)
I was just going to (finally) add this Feature Request.  Glad I'm not alone.

You click and drag down on the timeline and the area you want goes off the page!

It should be centered.
+1 vote
answered Apr 10, 2024 by lutzvogelsang (1,680 points)
While Studio One somewhat zooms to the cursor, it does not zoom to CENTER. That is a standard behaviour in other DAWs (Reaper, Sonar etc.) and desperately needed! It does not make sense zooming into content with the cursor placed at the left or right edge of the arranger window.