Questions & Answers

Zooming in centers cursor to Arrange Window

+10 votes
asked Sep 5, 2022 in Editing by mikesupina (6,690 points)
It would be great to have the "zoom in" (and zoom out within reason) shortcut center the cursor to the arrange window. Right now, it tends to leave the cursor where ever it happens to be on the screen at that moment and can jump to the left or right depending on how far in or out you zoom.

But focusing the cursor's zoom to the center of the arrange window gives for a better and more consistent view and focus; bigger picture of what's before it and after it.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 10, 2024 by lutzvogelsang (1,680 points)
Desperately needed! Also standard behaviour in Reaper, Sonar etc.