Questions & Answers

When the keyboard connects to the AudioBox iTwo through MIDI input, the keyboard does not work at all.

0 votes
asked Jun 16, 2017 in AudioBox USB by tylerdarden (200 points)
If I connect my keyboard (KORG microKEY2) directly to the PC via UBS everything works. But if I connect the keyboard directly to the audio card (via MIDI inputs) using USB to MIDI cable, it does not work at all. Even the "power" indicator on the keyboard does not light up. Is there any instructions specifically for connecting the keyboards to the sound card through MIDI inputs on the card itself? NOT settings for the already connected keyboard, because the problem is with the connection.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 20, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

In this setup, and for that keyboard, the Korg should not connect to the AudioBox at all, it should connect directly to the computer using its built in USB MIDI connection.  Connect it and make sure the OS recognizes it.

1. In Studio One, the AudioBox iTwo will be used at the Audio Setup > Audio Device window as the Audio Device (Windows), and on OS X the Playback and Recording Device.

2. For the Korg, you will need to go to Options(Preferences OS X) > External Devices and create a New Keyboard with the MIDI "Receive From" assigned to the MIDI port the Korg is connected to. You don't need the MIDI "Send To."  Set this to Default Instrument Input. Make sure none of the MIDI filters are checked.

Here is more information on the subject:

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