Questions & Answers

UC Control - EQ bands should not be selected by mouse hover

+4 votes
asked Jun 22, 2017 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by michaelalandawson (1,430 points)
HP ProBook laptop
Windows 7 Enterprise
Universal Control v2.1.0 for Windows
StudioLive 16 Series III Firmware v1.3.11924

Running UC in Fat Channel view.
I moved the mouse cursor over the Low, L-Mid, H-Mid, High buttons below the EQ curve.  Not only was each button highlighted as the cursor passed over it, but the band itself was selected.

For example, I clicked the High band button.  Then, moved my mouse to the left to adjust the Freq/Gain/Q.  Doing so, would select a different band and I would end up adjusting that band instead of the intended band.

I think the expected behavior is that a button should not be selected on hover.  It should require an actual mouse click.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,450 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2018 by danielsievert (11,890 points)
I've been experiencing the same thing. I find it scarily easy to switch EQ bands on or off unintentionally and to make adjustments to the wrong bands.  I think EQ points should only be allowed to switch a band on or off with either a right-click or double-click or a tap-and-hold (on touchscreen).

Hovering the mouse over a EQ point should not select it.  It should only select with a single left click or a click and drag (or via the band tab below).
