Questions & Answers

Connecting Line-Level Sources to the TRS Jacks, CS18AI

+1 vote
asked Jul 19, 2017 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by adrianodamonte (250 points)
Could you please help me?

I have started using CS18AI since few days. Before I had been using Surface to handle RM32AI.

I need to use Line-Level Sources to the TRS Jacks, but I cannot understand how the source could arrive to a channel of RM32.

I have the same problem with the line MIC Talkback.

Thanks for your help! Waiting for your answer.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2017 by paulclarke2 (27,400 points)
Best answer
A standard Ethernet switch allows control of an RM-series mixer from the CS18AI but routing audio to and from the CS18AI’s audio inputs and outputs to the RM-series mixer requires an AVB-compatible switch.

For the most current list of compatible AVB switches please refer to the following article -

The CS18AI rear panel includes two TRS Line Input jacks. These jacks provide additional line inputs for sources from front-of-house, such as 2-track or computer playback. On a StudioLive RM-series mixer connected to the CS18AI via AVB, these two inputs show up as digital returns 33 and 34.

See sections 2.3.5 - 2.4.1 of the CS18 manual for more information in this regard.