Questions & Answers

When attempting to add a 3rd and 4th input from within Audio I/O Setup they become greyed out. How do I fix this?

0 votes
asked Aug 13, 2017 in Studio One 3 by collinpendleton (150 points)
For whatever reason I cannot use the 3rd or 4th input on my audio interface. When I attempt to add them from audio I/O setup they become greyed out. The interface I am using is the ********* UMD404HD with 4 inputs on it. I have 3 mics plugged in as well so that certainly isn't the problem. I have a mid-2009 macbook with a core 2 duo so I am not ruling out the possibility of hardware being the issue. I'm sure there is a simple answer and I am just not seeing it. - Here is a screenshot of the audio I/O Setup page. Thanks in advance the time spent answering.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

If you have the drivers for that device installed and they are not meshing with Studio One, you can go to the OS X Audio MIDI setup and create what's called an Aggregate Device for that particular interface:

Then select this Aggregate in Studio One > Preferences > Audio Setup. Then try to assign the I/O again.

If that does not work, please create a support ticket to discuss this in more detail.

Here is a link to create a ticket: