Questions & Answers

Why When activating an add on I get "the license has not been issused for this user"

0 votes
asked Nov 4, 2015 in Studio One 3 by famevirginia (140 points)
I am having a activation fail with my add-on MP3 Converter, both online and offline. the message is "the license has not been issused for this user"

Anyone know what this is?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 4, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)

You probably have multiple logins for, if you have previously logged in using the social media buttons, a new account would have been created for that email address if it was different than a previous login. For example if the email address that's associated with your facebook, google or linked in account were all different you'd end up with 3 different accounts. Try logging into with a different email address and/or attempt password recovery if you don't remember your password.

If you're not sure, then log a support ticket at and provide us with your Studio One key and we can find the account your software is registered with.
