Questions & Answers

Why is there no VST plugin tab on my studio one producer?

0 votes
asked Nov 4, 2015 in Studio One 2 by michaelsingleton (140 points)
I have studio one 2 producer and the VST plugins tab is not in the options tab of studio one. It is present on my older computer that run windows 7 but I installed it on my new computer that runs windows 10. why is it not there to allow me to add maschine as my controller?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 5, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Did you license the new installation on win 10? S1 will revert to free/prime if you do not license them. Neither free nor prime support VST's.


However, you are referencing installing a controller, so I am not sure what you are trying to do.