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Search bar to easily filter tracks visible.

+19 votes
asked Aug 29, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by valeriedaria (480 points)
edited Apr 9, 2018 by valeriedaria
I have missed having a search box above the tracks, to show the tracks when searching by track name. So if I search for "trumpet" it will show only those tracks which include the word "trumpet."

This is a feature I have seen on Digital Performer, and it is a huge timesaver for those who use large orchestral templates, to avoid the constant scrolling.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered May 17, 2019 by argeba (340 points)
Also my great feature I need. A template with 400 Track is not so easy to handle. A search function is an important tool.

Presonus, there are a lot of user they need more features as a "normal" user. All composers for games, movies and so on, have a hughe template and have other needs.
