Questions & Answers

Can I record digital returns back into a DAW?

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2017 in Ai Mixers by michaeltabor (280 points)
For mixing purposes, I like to send each channel from an already recorded session back to my Studio Live 16.4.2 AI so I can mix using the board. Obviously the digital inputs must be activated for each channel. I was able to get signal back into the board. BUT, no  per channel EQ would make an audible difference and I wasn't able to send the signal back to the daw to basically re-record each track through the board. I could assign the channels to subgroups and then re-record the subgroups, but I really want to re-record each channel separately.

Is this possible?

This is with a Mac Book Pro and Studio One 3 Professional

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 30, 2017 by joeattea (140 points)
when i drag an instument from the browser into a track no controller or key board appears to let me input the notes