Questions & Answers

Why does Sonivox Big Bang Drums or Percussion cause StudioOne 2 to crash

0 votes
asked Sep 4, 2017 in Studio One 2 by C_W_Hart (190 points)
Almost every time I try to use Sonivox Big Bang Drums or Percussion, it causes StudioOne 2 to crash. Usually it resolves on the this try.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 4, 2017 by carlrowe (930 points)
selected Sep 4, 2017 by C_W_Hart
Best answer

This is not actually an issue with anything related to PreSonus. This is an issue within the Sonivox Big Bang plug-in. They have not made a fix for this yet, but the only way to make it work without crashing is to click the "MIDI Learn" option as soon as you boot up the plug-in.

I had to go on the web for quite awhile to figure this one out after I bought the same plug-in. It works, but it does make it a bit more difficult to edit the parameters due to it trying to learn your MIDI device.
