Questions & Answers

My WiFi doesn't work after Firmwar Update.

0 votes
asked Sep 28, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by HairBear5150 (120 points)
Everything worked fine until I Updated the Firmware on my CS18AI. Now mixer doesn't show any IP address when started. It doesn't give any options. Presonus Support was useless, rambling on about router settings. The fact the desk doesn't give any IP address or option to change settings has nothing to do with the router.

I've rolled back to earlier firmware without success and now re-installed latest. Not happy.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2017 by selahmedia (160 points)
Just a thought...If you are using a MOTU AVB switch, it also has firmware updates, which if not updated can cause problems. Look on the MOTU site for that.