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My Studio 192 is in the BOOTLOADER mode after firmwere update.

+3 votes
asked May 19, 2018 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by marekjele (190 points)
edited May 20, 2018 by marekjele


I have Presonus Studio 192 interface since 1.5 year now, I've never had any problems with it. I wasn't useing it for 3 months now and after i've turned it on yesterday everything was working until UC surface decided that i need firmwere update... After updateing sucessfully UC asked me to turn off and on my interface again. After turning it on interface was unresponsive, i can't see any ins or outs in windows but i can see interface in UC surface. UC surface it's saying that firmwere is invalid. I've tried to:

- reinstall UC surface and drivers

- change usb cable from 3.0 to 2.0

- run interface in loading mode (press talk and mono and turn on unit)

- force firmwere update (by going to settings->firmwere update) but all uc surface is saying is that unit is up to date and i can only press ok (no update anyway button)

In the windows hardwere list i can see that Studio 192 is running in the BOOTLOADER mode

I'm pout of ideas interface was running without any problems for last year now i cant get it to work. I'm running PC with Windows 7 + service pack 1 and newest wersion of UC Surface and drivers. Interface was working on this setup no problem before.

Any ideas?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 23, 2018 by philangus (10,160 points)
I used to have the 192 (now have Quantum) and have reported issues to Presonus. This always worked for me. Shut down PC. Power off 192. Plug 192 in to a different USB2 port. Power on 192. Boot up PC. Run the update again. When finished, shut down again, power everything off, reconnect 192 to USB3 port. Power on 192 then the PC. Failing this, connect it to a different PC or laptop using USB2 and try updating it.
0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2020 by robertkatz (180 points)
Since Presonus decided to change things between compatibility of studio one and studio 192 that interface and universal control has become basically useless. I can no longer simply plug in my headphones to hear mix. Now a series of sends to phones and such has to be orchestrated as a work around...universal control is blacked out.... and still no ability to hear total mix through phones,...only monitors. Totally bogus update that effed up my entire work flow.