I have Presonus Studio 192 interface since 1.5 year now, I've never had any problems with it. I wasn't useing it for 3 months now and after i've turned it on yesterday everything was working until UC surface decided that i need firmwere update... After updateing sucessfully UC asked me to turn off and on my interface again. After turning it on interface was unresponsive, i can't see any ins or outs in windows but i can see interface in UC surface. UC surface it's saying that firmwere is invalid. I've tried to:
- reinstall UC surface and drivers
- change usb cable from 3.0 to 2.0
- run interface in loading mode (press talk and mono and turn on unit)
- force firmwere update (by going to settings->firmwere update) but all uc surface is saying is that unit is up to date and i can only press ok (no update anyway button)

In the windows hardwere list i can see that Studio 192 is running in the BOOTLOADER mode

I'm pout of ideas interface was running without any problems for last year now i cant get it to work. I'm running PC with Windows 7 + service pack 1 and newest wersion of UC Surface and drivers. Interface was working on this setup no problem before.
Any ideas?