Questions & Answers

How can I make my AUDIOBOXUSB work on my macbook sierra without sound crackles?

–1 vote
asked Oct 6, 2017 in AudioBox USB by aminemoussaf (140 points)
Hi brother, can you just explain me how you made it work? I`m currently in this same situation, when i plug my audioboxUSB to my macbook pro Sierra, the sound starts crackling. I`m using the basic one port USB-C/USB apple hub. I really need help

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Thank you for contacting Presonus Technical Support. Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

Make sure you have Universal Control Installed:

Since you stated your mac has USB-C, You will need to use a USB hub between the AudioBox and your USB C Adapter.

From our own testing and understanding of the devices and technology at hand, "any" common consumer grade powered USB hub will suffice. Sabrent, IOgear, Anchor, etc... are all common brands you can find most anywhere.

In a nut shell, the AudioBox USB is classed as a USB 1.1 gen device.

The new MacBookPro are classed as USB C or 3.1 gen device.

USB C is "backwards" compatible with early gen USB devices, but this will never guarantee that they will work "well". Audio streaming devices are also more involved.

So, when you connect a powered USB hub to the new MacBook Pros, it will effectively communicate 1st gen devices with new gen devices.

Test basic audio with YouTube or iTunes.

Please create a support ticket if you would like to discuss this in more detail.

Here is a link to create a ticket: