Questions & Answers

StudioOne 3 not starting because of missing vcruntime.dll on Windows 10...

0 votes
asked Oct 15, 2017 in Studio One 3 by christianschepers1 (160 points)
Thanks for the tip I've found regarding this problem (updating windows), but this doesn't help. I'm having the same problem and can't start StudioOne3 because of the missing vcruntime.dll

Working on a 64bit Windows 10 with not a single missing update.

Help would be greatly appreciated...

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Here are some suggestions for troubleshooting this error:

1.  Make sure that you have installed all of your Windows Updates.

2.  Make sure that you have installed the following Universal C Windows update.

3.  Try disabling your antivirus software, uninstall Studio One and then re-install.

4.  Try running an sfc scan on your system.  Here is a link to instructions from Microsoft:

If the problem persists, please feel free to log a support ticket from your account.
0 votes
answered Mar 31, 2019 by kieranmcgee1 (140 points)
hi this happend for me aswell so annoying but i downloaded a update for visual c++ from microsoft website and it works now :)