Questions & Answers

pls help - no sounds come out from minotors connect to Main-out on Presonus studio project

+1 vote
asked Oct 24, 2017 in FireStudio Series by huanvuong (160 points)
Please help me.

My presonus firestudio project used to have sounds come out to the monitors ( connect to main-out ).

It is not coming out any more.

WHen I turn on the main volume up in the fron of my machine, I heard busing noises - but there is no sound.

When I connect to Albeton 9 live, have my guitar connect to Mic/Inst 1 --- connect my PC head-phone to my stereo, I am able to haer my guitar sound

Please help me

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer

Ensure your computer is fully up to date with all current Windows Updates.

Install the latest version of Universal Control.

This article is for the classic Studio Live mixers, but also applies to the FireStudio Project for PC.
