Questions & Answers

I need something like the AudioBox 1818vsl that will put sound out the Main outputs without having a computer connected.

0 votes
asked Aug 18, 2017 in AudioBox USB by andrewnotman (150 points)

I work for the county government of a small rural county. We use the Circuit Court courtroom for our Board of Supervisor meetings. The court recently changed their court recording software. The existing hardware, a Presonus FireStudio Project, was not compatible with this new software (no usb output). So the Presonus FireStudio Project was replaced with an AudioBox 1818vsl. Unfortunately the AudioBox 1818vsl does not output sound through the headphone or main outputs without a computer connected. The person that records our Board meetings is required to sit too far from the AudioBox to use the usb interface. Is there another product that will output sound through the usb for the court recordings and output sound through either the headphone or main outputs without having to have a computer actively controlling it? We do not have, nor are we able to get, the login information for the court recording computer.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,590 points)
Best answer
The AudioBox 1818VSL will not work without a computer attached.

What you are looking for is a rack mount digital mixer like the StudioLive Series III Rack Mixers.

The one you'd probably want to look into is the Studio Live 16R: