Questions & Answers

How can I adjust group of keys with low volume with "Presence Church Organ"?

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2017 in Studio One 3 by mikegrunik (160 points)
I noticed that keys A3 through E4 have lower volume than all the others only when using "Presence Church Organ". Happens on virtual and QWERTY as well. Is there a way to adjust the volume on individual keys or is this the way it was sampled? Other instrument volumes are fine.


Intel i3, 16 gig, WIN 10-64, Novation Launchkey 49

Mike, (newbie)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,490 points)
Best answer

That has been reported and will be fixed in the future.   For now there's not much else to do but perhaps edit the velocity after the fact.