Questions & Answers

Can I control a studiolive 32 mixer from an Ipad and play music to it by bluetooth to the board at the same time?

0 votes
asked Nov 2, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by jamesrogers11 (120 points)
I am interested in controlling a Studiolive 32 mixer by an ipad and playing music to the mixer by Bluetooth at the same time.  Will it work?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 7, 2017 by Gembo2011 (1,260 points)
Yes you can but there could be issues***

*** Please Note that both Bluetooth & WiFi use the 2.4 GHz frequency. Using both on this frequency could possibly render you problems. It would be best if you were to configure your Network WiFi to use the 5GHz band for the UC Surface if possible. The Bluetooth will use the 2.4GHz frequency. I know the WiFi range is reduced using the 5GHz WiFi network but it also keeps you away from cell phones, microwave ovens, and other equipment interference.

On my SL32 series III - I connect my iPhone via Bluetooth at 2.4GHz and stream music to the TAPE IN channel and at the same time control the console via my iPad using UC Surface (Network Router on 5Ghz). I also have my Router (Airport Extreme) running WiFi at 2.4GHz just in case.