Questions & Answers

How do i scroll through all of my markers in Pro Tools using the Faderport8?

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asked Nov 16, 2017 in FaderPort 8 by christopherjoyner1 (160 points)
Marker mode on Faderport 8 only scrolls through the first 8 markers in Pro Tools using the Prev/Next buttons and large scroll wheel does nothing but snap to beginning and end of session. I am using a Macbook Pro early 2011 running OS Sierra(10.12.6) 16G of RAM and intel i5 2.3ghz. FP8 is up to date with v1.10. Pro Tools is version 12 and up to date. Everything else seems to work as described, but the marker mode only scrolls through 8 markers. I do sound for video and have a lot of markers. I purchased this after reading everything i could on it, and really expected this to work as intended. Please help me understand if this is an error on my end or if this is not a feature on this device.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 16, 2017 by christopherjoyner1 (160 points)

Just like without using the Faderport 8, THE MOUSE POINTER must be in the marker/timecode area in order for the large wheel to scroll through the markers. The prev/next buttons will go to markers 1-9 without the mouse being in the area, but the large scroll wheel will just move the curser to beginning and end with some random stops in between sometimes. Please help me find a way to use the prev/next buttons to go through all of the markers in the session and not just the 1-9 (8 "clicks" of the button) without the need for the mouse pointer to be in the marker/timecode area.