Questions & Answers

24R with Pro Tools 11, how do I hear playback thru the hardware?

0 votes
asked May 16, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by joeygeisel (150 points)

24R worked great as an input interface for PT11, but even using the defaults for I/O, can't seem to get any audio output of what we recorded, or any sound from the :) 

Mac Book Pro, OSX 10.11.6, PT 11.1.3

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Pro Tools has a limited I/O of 32 In and 32 Out, since the output streams for the 24R (or any Series III Console or Rack Mixer) are outside that range, not all is lost, as of firmware release 1.7 with Universal Control 2.6 released in April 2018, you can repatch your I/O inside the mixer. You would need to repatch your USB (or DAW) outputs be inside the Pro Tools 32 Channel limit so you can hear your audio.