Questions & Answers

Is "bouncing" something that needs to be done, anyway?

0 votes
asked Nov 19, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jaywelter (580 points)
I did a mixdown from the midi notes - the whole song, and some particular notes are not heard in the mixdown / wav file.  Went back into song / track / instrument, thinking I deleted the note by accident, but it was there.  -Played the section again, right there, and nope - no notes played.  At any BPM.

I have not, however, done this bouncing thing.  Still low in the learning curve.  I'll check that out and if no go, I'll back off a version and wait for the update.  Thanks for the info ^^, Presonus people!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
As stated on the other answer, we apologize for this issue. It is a known issue and logged with the Studio One developers. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a time frame for when this will be resolved. Please keep an eye out for bug fixes in Studio One update release notes.

If you are unable to roll back to 3.5.1, you will need to render the MIDI to audio for proper playback.

Thank you for your patience,