Questions & Answers

My SO3 doesn't run in Win 7 SP1, It appears a box that said that needs SP1 and it is installed

0 votes
asked Mar 8, 2016 in Studio One 3 by HAMAVA (170 points)
recategorized Mar 8, 2016 by -Luis-
I instaled the SP1 againg and nothing.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 8, 2016 by The Rocker (1,880 points)
Service Packs can become corrupt,,, not often this happens,, but, when it does, you can try the fixes from microsoft.
But make sure to back up everything to another external drive,, sometimes a SP1 reinstall will be needed, and the fix programs can reuire a fresh install,,
There is a lot of info when you goole  "Reinstall Win 7 SP1" and " Check for SP1 corrupt " just make sure to follow only MS links,,, Do not suggest other 3rd party software,,
A complete OS reinstall would be a better suggestion,,, doesn't sound like an S13 issue,, All programs requiring SP1 will give that notice,,
Good luck,,