Questions & Answers

help with getting started

0 votes
asked Dec 1, 2017 in Studio One 3 by joeypinter-bilek (1,050 points)
hello everyone, this is my first of many questions i will have. as a former sonar user, i bought studio one today. i have so many questions so i'll just start with something simple.

1. can i download the users manual so i can print it?

2. can someone point me to the best videos for studio one?

3. just as a test i tried to load superior drummer 3 into a new project and got totally lost. is there any tutorials pertaining

to SD3?

as i said, i've been using cakewalk since 2002 and i'm thoroughly disgusted with them. i would appreciate any thoughts, ideas or suggestions anyone may have.

i look forward to hearing from all of you.

joey pinter

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

We have included a few resources that may assist with helping to further your knowledge of our Studio One DAW. Compiled below are several links to Manuals, Videos, and our Forums; which will help you through the process of learning how to use Studio One.

The most current manual may not yet be in PDF format but see this post:

The Manual
The manual in Studio One 3 is a great resource and starting point for when you have any questions about setup, usage, or wish to further your knowledge of the software.

PreSonus YouTube Channel

**The link above, indicated with an asterisk, has a category list on the right hand sidebar. This makes it easier to sift through the 100's of videos that are listed there.

PreSonus User Account:
Log into your user account and select the "My Products" link and then choose "My Products" then select the "Software" tab, click on the listing of your registered software (View More Details). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to locate the "Learn" section. You will find a list of videos there that are a tutorial set of Studio One "how to usage" videos.

Exchange is the official community hub for sharing user-created content for Studio One!

PreSonus Studio One Forum
The PreSonus Forums host plenty of community interaction for Studio One. Get involved!

Third party tutorial sites:
An excellent resource for Studio One beginners can also be found on the learning resource Check out the two-hour course at this link.

Studio One training videos have hit and are available here. With over two hours of extensive video training for Studio One 2, this is an excellent resource for musicians of all skill levels. Focused on songwriting, the 22 sections of the course cover every aspect of the software, from basic setup to mixing and mastering your final project.

If Studio One training one-on-one, with a real human, is what you require, there are few better resources than We have partnered with Obedia to provide Studio One training from the beginner to advanced level.

Groove3’s tutorial videos are available at These in-depth videos will get you up and running quickly with Studio One. Groove3 also hosts videos about a multitude of other audio programs and techniques that you may find useful. If you’re interested in Studio One and in digital recording techniques in general, Groove3 is a superb choice. The videos are inexpensive and can be streamed from anywhere.

Studio One Expert
For Independent Studio One news, tips, tricks and more. Studio One Expert is part of the Production Expert Community.

Home Studio Trainer
A great source for learning studio tips and tricks. All examples and videos are done with Studio One!

Unofficial Studio One Facebook Group
Interact with other Studio One users on Facebook!
