Questions & Answers

Studio one low-latency monitoring - using busses with Green Z, invisible metering?

+1 vote
asked Dec 10, 2017 in Studio One 3 by TonalDynamics (1,370 points)

Hi, I was in the studio today with some friends of mine and I enabled green Z monitoring on a guitar channel that I had running into a buss loaded with some amp effects, compressors and whatnot. It passes audio and you can hear what the buss is doing...

...but the buss channel for some reason doesn't show any metering, and no plugins display any VU or Peak metering whatsoever. This is particularly obnoxious when using compression, as you can't see any gain reduction meters. It's also annoying not to be able to see if a certain plugin is clipping internally by looking at its own meter.

I can record audio through said buss just fine, just without any metering whatsoever.

Taking those exact same plugins out of the buss and adding them as inserts onto the guitar channel itself, I can see everything...

So why does the metering show up on the channel itself but not the buss it's sending to? I'm guessing this is some kind of weird bug? indecision


