Questions & Answers

How can I control Gains from my iPad using UC Surface?

0 votes
asked Dec 12, 2017 in Ai Mixers by iglesiamahanaim (150 points)
I Have A Presonus Studio live 32 AI And UC Surface on a iPad 2017

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,680 points)
Best answer

Gain control for the

StudioLive 32.4.2AI - 24.4.2AI - 16.4.2AI & for the StudioLive 24.4.2 & 16.4.2 do not have pre amp control on their respective apps. Gain must be applied/decreased on the physical mixer.
0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2017 by johnandersen (2,220 points)

In UC Surface, in the upper left hand corner, when you have select the channel, there is a knob icon named “Pre” for Preamp.

Here is where you adjust your mic gain