Questions & Answers

How do you…or can you load preset instruments to a channel from UC Surface 2.0?

+2 votes
asked May 8, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by Silky3366 (170 points)
recategorized May 29, 2018 by AlexTinsley
I watched a tutorial on how to access and load channel instrument presets on the Studio Live Seriees 3 console. I can’t see that same function on UC Surface or have seen a tutorial for that function on UC Surface. When I am walking around with my iPad Pro, doing a systems check. I would like the capability to change an instrument presets right there on my Pad. Instead of having to run back and forth to the console to perform this adjustment. Yes, I know I could go through each Fat Channel parameter and dial in my own settings. I like the sound of your programmed presets very much. Especially your drum and vocal presets. I would greatly appreciate it if you have this function on UC Surface 2.0, that you do a tutorial on this. Or send me instructions to my email. Thank you PRESONUS. Great Job on the Series 3.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 25, 2018 by johnnygeib2 (14,880 points)
edited May 26, 2018 by johnnygeib2
Best answer
Here is how I insert Presets into channels using UC Surface. Click the link and a video will walk you through it.