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Studio One 3.5 crashing

+4 votes
asked Dec 31, 2017 in Studio One 3 by muhamedaliismaili (780 points)

Hi! Lately Studio One 3.5 crashing for unknowing reason. It happens sometimes when adding plugins including stock plugins. I happens when doing some changes on the song and it doesn't seems like it depends on any specifik situations and it just happens when it feel to do so. I use the latest OS, High Sierra, iMac, 16 GB RAM, i5, 1 TB HDD. With other words I don't know why it happens. I formated my iMac for two months ago just for the reason to see if the problem still be there.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2018 by kyleguntharp (2,350 points)

Have you tried doing a complete clean uninstall and reinstall? I gad this same problem recently and this fixed it for me.