Questions & Answers

VST 3 crashing Studio One 3

0 votes
asked Apr 17, 2018 in Studio One 3 by randysdrums (150 points)
Studio One 3 crashes big time due to VST 3 plugins, HELP

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer

If you're using 64-Bit Studio One and you're experiencing crashing, that means you have 32-bit plug-ins in your VST Plug-In folder. 

  • Make sure you have 64-Bit plug-ins
  • Make sure you have all updates for each plug-in
  • Remove any 32-bit plug-ins
If you're using 32-Bit Studio One and you're experiencing crashing, that means you have 64-bit plug-ins in your VST Plug-In folder. 
  • Make sure you have only 32-Bit plug-ins
  • Make sure you have all updates for each plug-in
  • Remove any 64-Bit plug-ins. 