Questions & Answers

can't hear the audio after record the voice and after not able to any of audio files in my pc, why?

0 votes
asked Jan 2, 2018 in Studio One 3 by solomonrathinam (190 points)
(can't hear the audio after record the voice and after not able to any of audio files in my pc, why?)

recently ive reinstalled my windows with latest update. after install the Studio One i can record voice but not able to hear when playback. that time can't hear when i play other player in my pc (media player & youtube) , why?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2021 by salemalzahrany (140 points)
Dear presonus team,

When I setup configuration to my new soundcard presonus audiobox 96, i was able to record but I couldn't playback wat was recorded!