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Clicks/Pops when there's no playback from PC Audiobox iTwo

–1 vote
asked Jan 3, 2018 in AudioBox USB by hunterreece (110 points)
edited Jan 8, 2018 by hunterreece
As soon as I plug the Auidobox iTwo into my PC, it starts these constant popping/clicking noises every second consistently. It only happens when there's no audio being output from my PC. Even if there's audio coming through my mics. It's not anything with the PC, because it still clicks even when my PC is muted. The pc's main power supply isn't plugged into a power strip, and I've tested it with nothing else plugged into the same outlet, no luck. The second there's any audio output from my computer, the popping stops. Windows is up to date, I have the latest drivers, and I've tried using multiple different usb cables. I can't seem to find anybody else with the same problem, but hopefully it's fixable. I've seen many people having trouble with clicking during playback, but it's the exact opposite for me.Very annoying, cannot find any solutions.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2018 by flobout (880 points)
Yea same here... I thinks its when there is no sound to output it turns itself on/off internally then it produces some crappy sounds.

This thing is all about adding noise, maybe mine is broke but when i want to record my hardware stuff into it, i can only record at low levels so that the preamp lights don not light up, because if the lights go on it put some awful noise on the recording...
0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2018 by reyhanph (220 points)

I also had a problem
But I could not solve it

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0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2018 by sylvainmartineau (280 points)

Having the same issue (on AudioBox USB and Win 7 64), resolved by first uninstalling the last drivers (with Revo Uninstaller) and installing a old version of the drivers from 2009. I found them on  Softpedia.

Maybe you can try this... In my case, it's perfect now. No statics pop, no ground noise at all,
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2021 by dehinsolo (280 points)

I had the same problem and couldnt solve it so I decided to change the Auidobox iTwo entirely.

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