Questions & Answers

Extreme pops and cracks on playback

0 votes
asked Jun 22, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by winkdot (150 points)
On a Win 10 with latest updates (6/22/2019)
8 core processor (AMD) - 4.0 mhz
16 gig memory

Studio one pro (4.5.1) - UC - 3.0.1 (latest version)
Studiolive 16R (latest firmware)

This all seemed to start after I applied the latest firmware updates to Studiolive but I also updated UC and Studio One to the latest. Extreme pops and cracks on playback of any recorded material. I've messed with buffer sizes and all that jazz but nothing helped at all. CPU load is low. I've turned off all FX plug-ins. No change.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 26, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

Please ensure you full range of PreSonus hardware/software is up to date as of the 21st of May, 2019.

Version Information:

Universal Control (Mac/PC) - v3.0.1.52030

UC Surface (iOS/Android) - v3.0.1.52030

Capture (Mac/PC) - v3.0.1.52030

QMix-UC (iOS/Android) - v3.0.0.51525

Series III Firmware - v2.0.1.16038

NSB 16.8 – v1.1.0.15533

NSB 8.8 – v1.1.0.15534

EarMix – v1.1.0.15533

SW5E – v1.0.0.15447

Supported OS Versions:

OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan) or later

Windows 7 (x64) Service Pack 1 + Platform Update, Windows 8.1 (x64), Windows 10 (x64)

Fixed In This Release:

Series III

- Fixes an issue with USB audio spikes on some systems

- Digital Trim now working properly on NSB (GC) Stream channels

- Improvements to Fat Channel preset transfer between local device and mixer

- Filtering Fat Channel presets for "Keyboard" filter now works as expected

- Stereo input channels now follow Aux Mute Link State properly

UC Surface

- Windows 10 x64 (build 1809) wasn't allowing drivers to instantiate until reinstall second time

- Recalling a Scene or Project no longer returns the UC Surface window to Mixer View

- Fixed some GUI issues in 'light" scheme


0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2019 by grahambaldwin (140 points)
Sorry I don't know the answer but I wish someone could answer it because I have the same problem using the Audiobox96 with Reaper!
0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2019 by kurtdrubbel (1,220 points)
Could be a plethora of things.

Maybe check the active processes to see if anything is eating away cpu performance in the background.

Some other recently installed audio software (daw, vst, plugin,..) could be messing with the audio output as well.

Good luck