Questions & Answers

Audiobox itwo stops working

+1 vote
asked Mar 14, 2018 in AudioBox USB by rahulmishra (250 points)
Audiobox itwo stops working, have to reconnect the USB and then it starts again. once in a while it also makes a short noise from the speakers 'tst' kind of. Eg. youtube is playing but suddenly it shows like buffering and no sound is there, as soon as i disconnect and connect the audiobox, it will start playing again, immediately.

I noticed that this started happening after the latest firmware upgrade.

Also, when i start my studio one, other players, including youtube wont play. I have to close studio one and restart my computer.

Windows 64 bit computer is what i have

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 4, 2018 by adelemiller (140 points)
Same here. Exactly. Having to keep rebooting laptop.
0 votes
answered May 21, 2018 by felcastro (140 points)
Same to me.. I have to disable and the enable again the device in windows.

The device seems to get stuck.
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2019 by johnbates (140 points)
edited Apr 3, 2019 by johnbates
I have a similar problem since universal control was updated  a couple of days ago,. I noticed that the power light on the Itwo was intermittently flashing, I have just uninstalled universal control and the light no longer flashes. I will investigate further.

Uninstalled universal control v3_0_0_51747 and installed an older version which seems to have solved the problem. Itwo is now once again stable. Hope this helps