Please use a different abbreviation for long PlugIn names in channel inserts. If I use PlugIns like FabFilter, I can not see what is what. Is the first one the FabFilter Pro Q2 or the FabFilter Pro DS?
In Xcode use Line Break "Truncate Middle" instead of "Truncate Tail", like Logic does it.
Or even better use an abbreviation like ProTools does. Obviously they have a two stage algorithm. If the PlugIn name consists of more than one word (separated by spaces), fill the place with all words that fit, beginning from right.
E.g.: orginal name: "FabFilter Pro Q 2" – abbrev. "Pro Q 2"
If the PlugIn name is just one word, remove all vowels and truncate at the tail.
E.g.: "bx_console" – abbrev. "bx_cnsl"