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External Device -> "New Instrument" results in NO input, NO MIDI input

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2018 in Studio One 3 by benfloyd (160 points)
edited Jan 12, 2018 by benfloyd


All help is appreciated! A month of off and on attempts to get this going.

I launch EZ Drummer stand alone and the drums *immediately* begin working. Fantastic. Check.

I open the Studio One 3, click Options -> External Devices -> Add. I select New Instrument, pick the MIDI device that my drums are routed through. So far so good. This matches up with others I've seen doing the same thing.

I then click File -> New Song -> Empty Song.

I then drag over the EZ Drummer VST as a new instrument track and attempt to set the MIDI input. This is where it goes wrong.

When using an "Instrument" as an "External Device", I get no Input as expected. Therefor MIDI is not routed through to the VST and nothing works. A reminder this DOES work in EZ Drummer stand-alone AND the MIDI Monitor is capturing the correct midi notes.

So the problems seems to lie in the  "Instrument" as an "External Device".

Note that doing this the alternative way also shows NO Input device

If I choose "New Keyboard" as an External Device, the Inputs show up correctly, but obviously don't work.

Thanks for the help to anyone brave enough to answer!



Thank you, PreSonuSupt4 for your answer. You are correct that everything works when using "External Keyboard Device". I'm happy it's working, but lament that PreSonus creates such a confusing system for mapping generic V Drums. My drums are now a "Keyboard" ;-) Again, thank you PreSunSupt4. Appreciated

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 11, 2018 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

You should be using a External Keyboard Device, not an External Instrument Device, for playing MIDI into Studio One.  Do that, only assign the Receive From port, and then open the Midi Monitor (View Menu > Midi Monitor) and create a new empty instrument track (forget loading any instrument on the track, not necessary for this test) and record to it to see if it records any notes.  

If it does record its working and after that it would be a matter of figuring out why a particular instrument assigned to it later isn't making any sound.
