Questions & Answers

New Integrated Channel Sampler

+17 votes
asked Jan 14, 2018 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by ikandakaidavis (1,410 points)
We need an integrated sampler- (playback sampler) For percussion and related one shot sounds. Allowing me to drag the samples from my browser or elsewhere onto studio one 3 and opening up directly in the sampler with features such as ADSR, pitch, LFO maybe pan link etc.

A similar concept is done in FL studio as well as Maschine but I think you guys could really do a great one for us dedicated Studio One 3 users.

Maybe sample one could be updated and integrated as the default engine that loads. But this and Piano Roll needs to worked on.

I’ll share another request on the piano roll NEEDED features. Thanks guys.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Jun 10, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Just a thought, this could be done with a mouse modifier or something. Drag an audio file to a track, hold a specific key, and it will put it in an instance of Sample One on the track with the audio file in it.