Questions & Answers

Ex Cubase User: delete event without deleting event underneath

+1 vote
asked Jan 16, 2018 in Studio One 3 by mikemcgraw (200 points)
Can't believe I have to ask this question...

If I've recorded a new take over an existing audio event and I don't like what I've recorded.  How do I delete the new take without deleting all data underneath?

Ultimately I want to use the delete key on my key pad.  Command-Z is pain.

The answer to this question should also fix the issue of dragging this new take to another track without dragging the rest of the underlaying data with it.

Thx, gang!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2018 by Bbd (14,370 points)
selected Jan 17, 2018 by Skip Jones
Best answer
If you are using record takes to layers, you can delete the one layer without deleting the others.

If you record something and simply want to start over, you can use Undo.
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2018 by mikemcgraw (200 points)
Thx, Bbd.  I suppose I could have worded the question a bit more specifically.  

In this situation I'm not recording layers but rather fixing mistakes or changing a part.  In Cubase events remain highlighted after they are recorded and all you have to do is hit the delete key and the new part goes away without taking the data underneath with it.  The new part can also be dragged to anther track as well without also moving all data below the moved event.  I really thought this would have been standard protocol in all DAWs.  There must a setting somewhere.